About Me

Sunni Ingalls M.S., C-IAYT, RYT-500

I am a wife and a mother. I love spending time in nature, and I have been a trail runner for many years. I first engaged in yoga purely to relieve physical tension in my body but soon witnessed the relief move beyond the physical. For the first time in a long time, I felt deeply connected, healthy, and whole. Then in 2011, I was diagnosed with a major illness, and immersed myself in my practice. As an adjunct therapy to my western medicine/treatment, I believe yoga played a crucial role in my healing and continues to support my health in mind, body, and spirit.

I hold a Master of Science in Yoga Therapy and began teaching yoga in January 2014. I am a Yoga Teacher (RYT-500) with Yoga Alliance and a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). I have long appreciated the therapeutic benefits of yoga and have incorporated this into my teaching style which embodies mindful and fluid movement with an emphasis on connecting to breath. I have worked with cancer survivors, caregivers, athletes, elementary and high-school students, families, and the community at large.

My therapist sessions include a yogic assessment and a therapeutic plan that empowers individuals and promotes whole-person health and well-being. I am very committed to my growth as a student, teacher, and therapist. I maintain a regular practice and attend professional development opportunities whenever possible but along my journey, I have discovered that I learn best by just being present in the moment!